Constitution for tenant & resident groups registered with Southway Housing Trust
To work for the rights of tenants and residents within the group's boundaries and to represent them in matters relating to housing, environmental, and other issues of concern.
To further good relations with the Southway Housing Trust and other service providers.
To provide tenants and residents with information to encourage a community spirit in the area.
Membership is open to Southway tenants and residents within the group's boundaries, irrespective of political belief, nationality, religion, race, colour, sexuality, are or ability - (known as ordinary members).
Committee members shall endeavour to carry out their duties in a positive and constructive way.
Any committee member behaving in an unreasonable manner or in a manner likely to bring the group into disrepute may be expelled from the committee by a majority vote of the tenant's committee.
Committee members should conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of Southway's Equal Opportunities Policy.
The Committee
The committee shall have a minimum of 6 elected members and will manage the work of the group.
The committee shall have an identified Chair, Treasurer and Secretary (officers) and at least three other members.
New members can be elected if vacancies arise.
Any committee member selected to stand as a candidate in local government elections must resign from the committee.
Councillors cannot be members of the group.
Committee Meetings
The committee shall meet at least 4 times a year.
Each member shall have one vote (in the event of a tie the Chair shall have a second vote).
The minimum number of people for a committee meeting to be valid (a quorum) shall be 4 committee members.
All committee decisions will be recorded in writing at meetings.
Public Meetings
Public meetings shall be held at least 2 times per year (the Annual General Meeting can be counted as one of these).
The quorum for public meetings shall be a minimum of 8 ordinary members and 4 committee members. If fewer attend, a new meeting must be called.
An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at any time, at the request of the Committee or 8 of the general membership.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held yearly, starting 12 months from the date of the launch of the group. A maximum of 8 weeks extension is allowed as required.
The AGM shall be held to report the group's activities, publish audited accounts and elect new committee members and officers.
Notice of the AGM must be given two weeks before the meeting.
The AGM can change the constitution by a two thirds majority vote of those present.
Any suggested changes to the constitution must be handed to the Secretary 14 days before the AGM.
The committee will notify Southway Housing Trust Customer Involvement Section of any changes to the constitution.
The committee shall have a bank account in the name of the group.
All cheques must be signed by 2 out of a possible 3 signatories.
All spending shall be approved by the committee, and shall be used to achieve the aims of the group.
The Treasurer must keep account of the finances and produce quarterly financial reports to the committee.
The group's accounts shall be presented at the AGM.
Married, common law partners, or members of the same family cannot be co-signatories.
The committee will keep its members informed of activites via newsletters, leaflets, public meetings, etc.
No publicity can be distributed in the group's name without committee approval.
The group may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and advertised 14 days before the meeting.
The proposal to dissolve the group shall take effect only if agreed by two thirds of the members present at the meeting.
In the event of the group being dissolved, all assets derived from the council shall be returned, or may be donated to a similar organisation if approval is given.
Money and assets provided as a result of fundraising by the group shall be used for the specific purpose identified at the time that the funds were raised or shall be donated in accordance with the wishes of members canassed at the Special General Meeting.
This constitution was adopted by members of the group on 11/09/17